Here is how to install the latest version of Tex-Live in Fedora.


sudo dnf -y install aria2 perl-Tk tk 
cd ~/Downloads
aria2c --seed-time=1
sudo mkdir /mnt/iso && sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop,noauto /home/murphy/Downloads/texlive*iso /mnt/iso
cd /mnt/iso/ 
sudo ./install-tl -gui 
  1. Click on ‘Advanced’ … 1stwintexlve
  2. Change the personal directory and the size of the paper (in Mexico we do not have A4 paper or at least is difficult to get it) and we hit the button ‘Install’ 2ndwintexlve

  3. After installation is complete do in your terminal cd && echo 'PATH=/usr/local/texlive/$YEAR/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc, where $YEAR is the version of your Tex-Live.

  4. Set up Tex Live fonts for system-wide use.
cd /
sudo find -name "texlive-fontconfig.conf"
cp /path/to/texlive-fontconfig.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf
sudo fc-cache -fsv

That’s it.